
Section 8: Do you get any of your money back(rent) after a five year period? I was told this!?

by Guest32567  |  earlier

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My buddy thinks this is the case, so as " to help the section 8 client utilize the money to better themselves,i.e., get a job, car, go to college,move into a better home. I hope for his case it is true...anyone know of this and indeed if it is true? anyone have this happen to them? is it four years or five?




  1. The tenant gets Section 8 as a form of state assistance, the state does not pay you for being on assistance. So the answer is no.

  2. I don't know, but that would be stupid for the government to encourage Section 8 people to stay on government-assistance for that long.

  3. I disagree - it would be smart for the government to rebate Section 8  tenants.  

    Everybody knows you need the government running your life, finances, and family - RIGHT?  Just kidding - but a number of people in this country are trying to make this place Germany 45% tax rate - welfare state.  

    Back to the question - Get a JOB - stop expecting someone to give you something.  It is unrealistic to expect even more money for NOTHING (BREATHING AIR).  

    Will Section 8, or other government receipents always be a burden to their BROTHER?  The program is to assit, not to subsidize.  Assist means there is an end date.

  4. No no rebates on rent, should be happy getting the assistance to begin with  besides most would waste it on TV's stereos, and crack. May it is time for him to get a job and actually pay taxes instead of living off of mine. If that where the case taxpayers would revolt and there would no longer be any section 8 housing. He has had all this time and assistance to "better himself" Has he? Guess not

  5. Back?  From who?

    No, this is not even close to being true.

  6. he's been highly misinformed..  they pay 70% of his rent.. did he really think they would give him part of his 30% back..??  I have been on housing assistance since 1993 and no, that's not true

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