
Section 8 tenants & $150.00 Jeans

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Why is it that when I interview possible Section 8 tenants, that they are walking around in $150.00 jeans, tennis shoes, or other expensive clothes, have a nicer car than I do (I work and own rental properties), and act insulted when I tell them I do check credit? Even when I went to Dept of Social Services with my mother, people that were applying had on more money in clothes then I make in a week. I just dont understand if they can buy expensive brand name clothes, why cant they pay their rent and get a job?

I finally decided not to go the Section 8 route, but not for these reasons.

Please, if anyone knows how they do it, explain it to me so I can sell everything, go on disability, get Section 8 and live like a princess.




  1. The clothes may be gifts from friends or family and just like we dress up for job interviews, they wear their nicest/most expensive clothes to a housing "interview". Also, they may have fallen on hard times and this was their prior wardrobe, the clothes may be knock offs, or purchased from discount stores or from a fence.

    Most Section 8 landlords don't do credit checks, and they may be insulted because you ask and/or they have bad credit.

  2. simple, they do this to make them feel good cuz life is so hard, they are dealing with high oil prices too, and they might have to get a job just to pay the bills. You should have pity for them and give them donations.

  3. Ive wondered that myself as i've interviewed tenants. There are certain cultures that work hard to cheat the system, and they have become quite good at it. Sadly, those of us that work for a living are actually funding their grandiose lifestyles.  

  4. I used to rent properties and got to meet a stripper who offered to pay the difference between what section 8 was giving her and what I was asking for the Rent.

  5. I have Section8 property and I always to a credit and criminal check.  I have a computer printout of the check and give it to the prospective tenant If for some reason I do not wish to rent to them, Most of my tenants dress better than I do, but they have no money in the bank, no emergency funds  who   would like to live like that.  If my tenant pays the rent on time, doesn't tear up the house and doesn't bother his neighbors I just ignore the rest of it

  6. I had a friend that used to work for the welfare department, and she had to quit.  The abuses of the system were making her crazy and losing sleep at night.  

    I have friends that work in county jails, and alot of regular visitors are on section 8, welfare and disability.   If you able enough to commit crimes, you should be able enough to get a fricking job.  

  7. Poor priorities. It's very easy to blow all your benefit money on clothes and cars, then not have enough left for rent and bills unless the government pays it for you, if your priorities are messed up enough.

  8. I have the same feelings you do.  And I'm sure the people that are on Section 8, and will come on here defending themselves, will be doing so from their highspeed home internet connection.  What reason do these people have to save their money and live responsibly?!  They aren't going to get kicked off Section 8.

    I read one thing on Yahoo Answers from some guy who has been on Section 8 for 15 years!  YEARS!  He had posted over 3000 question/answers!  It must be nice to live in a virtually free house, and not have to worry about spending that extra time getting a better or second job!  The system is ****!!!!  

  9. simple, they do this to make them feel good cuz life is so hard.   it is kinda like those people who drive nice cars but they still live at home with their parents.  

  10. I've bought designer clothes at Salvation Army. Maybe they have too.

    I suggest you try to do your job objectively and keep your personal prejudices out of it.

  11. Don't you know that the United States like to reward the lazy people with a lot of benefits and penalize the hard working? If you have read "rich dad, poor dad", you'll know why? When someone on welfare, the US government not allow them to save much in the bank. So they'll have to either spend it all or save it somewhere else. That's why they look so luxury from outside but rotten from inside (when you do their credit check). And because of this, those on welfare can never get "rich" cos' they already lost the motive to become "rich".

  12. Thats like asking why Chimps like to throw their f***s.

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