
SecuROM comes with Spore?!?

by  |  earlier

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I personally don't have a problem with my internet, so this doesn't effect me a whole lot, but this is ridiculous. There are plenty of ways to stop pirating without making people scared to buy it LEGALLY. If people are going to pay $50 for a game, they want to make sure it works, they don't wanna have a chance that their internet craps out and they get royally screwed out of $50. Just by hearing about this SecuROM, I have already began to say F**k you to EA and "I love you" to pirating. Please sign the petition if you agree.




  1. I've been hearing about this on the Sims 2 website.

    I agree with you completely.

  2. You know they removed SecuROM liek 3 days after they said it was gonan be on, it was gonan be on Mass Effect as well,that was removed  n mass effect PC is several months old, when the gmae is a week away id try to keep up wiht the news. next youll be telling us Creature Creator is out :P

    It was bad to even think of including it, and ona gmae liek Spore that needs intenet to run anyway ( to get beasties to popualte palnets form the Sporepedia) it shoudlnnt have been too much hassle, and many games use it anyway without having to give a press release first.

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