
Security Cameras?

by Guest44752  |  earlier

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How accurate are the security cameras in a casino? I am only 20 and i work at a restaurant that's inside the casino. I played two hands of blackjack when i was leaving work. I know that if you work in a casino you are not supposed to gamble and i know you have to be 21. But, i only won a small amount of money and was not there long and no one said anything to me. Do you think they will go back and find the tape to show to my managers? Would they even bother will something like this?




  1. Was it an Indian Casino?  If so, you only have to be 18.. Vegas is 21.

    Most casinos don't care if you play games as long as you aren't a dealer or cash person.  

    You should know the rules.  I wouldn't chance it again.

    Lucky that you were able to leave with some winnings... If you don't directly work in the casino and in a restaurant, I don't think they will recognize you ... Unless you are wearing a uniform.. Don't worry about it... You are safe cuz you ran like heck with the money.. Way to go kiddo.....

  2. The security cameras are VERY accurate, they record with very high detail...the cards on the table and the dealrs actions at all times.  There are probibibly close to ten thousand cameras in a casino at any given time and about 4 peopel on average watching them.  Some cameras do record 24/7 if not all of them with todays low cost technology, the information is usually only stored for a couple of days should it need to be recalled for some reason, like somebody was cheating and they want to see what he did and prove he was cheating,  The tape of you playing will not be reviewed unless the dealer is suspected of cheating, or another player sitting at the table with you was suspected of cheating.  Even then, the security peopel woudl have to recegnise yoru face, which being you work in the casino resteraunt, i find very unlikely.  And then if they did recegnise you, they woudl have to know for fact that you wernt 21 and make an effort to confirm you wernt.  And even then, the casino would probibly just fire you instead of jeaprodising their license by doing anything else.

    There are casinos where you can gamble 18 and older, so your pretty dumb for doing this. and jeaprodising your job.

  3. You've asked this question basically 3 times.

    Just talk to your supervisor, tell him you played 2 hands and were unsure... you wont get fired for asking.

  4. The cameras are very accurate.  I seriously doubt that they will roll them back.  It takes a call from a pit or security manager or above to do this.  They would have to know exactly what time you were gambling and what table to be able to pin point you.  With everything going on in the casino on a weekend night, I doubt you should be worrying.  But do not go to your supervisor telling them what you did unless you definitely want want to get fired.
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