
Security Clearance conundrum?

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I qualified for a TS security clearance while in the Marines back in 1997. While on leave, I sniffed some laughing gas. At the time (I was 21), I equated it to inhaling helium. I have never, ever done any classic drugs (cocaine, meth, marijuana, and everyhting else...I don't even smoke)-I thought nothing of it..I totally forgot about it...

One day after I got out 4 years later...I'm now a civilian non-federal real deal Joh Q Public, it came up that I sniffed (they said huffed) laughing gas (whippits). They asked me why I did it and I told them why (equate to helium-makes you laugh?)...In the meantime I was joining the Army Reserve and had to do another SF-86 (to be an MP)...I looked up that nitrous was not on the schedule of drugs etc...

Gathering some courage, I went to my local security manager and told them about the incident, now 4 years old. They laughed and said don't worry about it. They said "it's not a drug, and we don't care". Now if it was a drug like cocaine, we might care".

Telling them was hard to do. They thanked me for my candor and all that and I felt good. I subsequently completed two deployments with no problems at all and was even held on stop loss for a discharge was honorable..I told them the truth.

In the mean time I have completed my BA and have just received a Masters Degree (MA)...I never once did or have done any type of all through college...I'm not attracted tot hem in any shape or form.

I have now landed a really really good federal civilian job...a really good one, and it requires a TS clearance. Having looked up the regs...although the drug question says the classic hard drugs (meth, cocaine, marijuana), I have never done those while having a security clearance. All I did was sniff laughing gas...

Now I feel that I pigeon holed myself into a conundrum..and feel like I am in this wicked shameful spot all over I have technically lied to the gov about my "drug/inhalant sniffing" (a ONE TIME EVENT that was STUPID).

What do I do? I havent filled out the security clearance paperwork yet, but they are putting me in for an interim clearance...

DO I tell them?

I feel that I already have (the gov in general)....darn this is so hard..soemtimes I hate people, but in the end I hated that I sniffed that stuff in the first place...stupid...any advice?

I'm leaning towards telling them...but how?

I have not alot of time, since I haven't even filled out any paperwork yet....but soon will.

Thanks..hopefully some pros can offer some guidance...pardon the typos or grammar mistakes, as they are my own.




  1. If you lie on a security clearance pre screen and they find out,

    Your clearance will be denied.

    You are allowed to have used drugs for experimenting and still get a security clearance.

    Just as long as they were not hard drugs.

    Just tell them you forgot and do not know if it is classified as drug use and tell them.

    I told them I smoked pot and still received a TS SBI clearance.

  2. Nitrous or Laughing Gas is not illegal, so don't worry about it. You don't need to tell any one. You are not going to lose your clearance. What you did is the same has showing up for duty with a hang over, (trust me when I say I know ALL about that). It's cool, don't worry, you're not going to Leavenworth.

  3. As a member of the military with a TS clearance, I would say it's best that you withold NOTHING. If they find out later that you lied, it's your A**. How did they find that you were popping whippets in the first place? It's not like that stuff will pop hot in a urinalysis or anything years later.

  4. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Their main concern is with narcotics. Just make sure you CORI check and others come up clean.

    Better google your name too, just to see what comes up.

    Most employers will do this.

    Good luck.

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