
Security cameras, help!?

by  |  earlier

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parents out of town and had a party in my house that got out of hand-

parents told me they put in security cameras once to scare me, but i thought it was a bluff. But i'm starting to believe them because they seem to know a lot. is there anyway i can be sure if theres surveillance cams? and if there are, how long does the tape save for?

they mentioned once that they went to a certain place to check the recordings on the surveillance camera, if that helps at all.

please, i'm desperate. i'm looking to a completely grounded summer if they actually can tell




  1. Unless you PHYSICALLY see security cameras, your good, there aren't any invisible security cameras.

    They know that their was a party because of the EVIDENCE. Make sure you clean up EVERYTHING and leave no EVIDENCE behind. Mabye they checked with the neighbors when they said they were checking the recordings.

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