
Security clearance on bus lines

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So I live in Canada....and just read about a man that was stabbed about 50 times and then beheaded on a Greyhound bus from Edmonton to Winnipeg. Thoughts on this? I am disgusted...maybe these bus lines should think about doing a security clearance like the airports, before letting some of these crazy people on the bus.




  1. It's horrible, but such a random attack by a mentally disturbed person could have happened anywhere, not necessarily on the bus. At least the odds of it happening to you are very low.  

  2. i have not heard about this, but how are you going to screen people who travel by bus.

    in my early days, i travelled everwhere on a bus, some trips were 2 to 2 1/2 days of travel,

    the only problem i ever saw was a bus i was on was highjacked, but i always carried a pistol so it really was not a serious issue once it started.

    in those days, it was a lot different than it is now, and i suppose if you defended your life with a fire arm in a bus now, you'd be in more trouble than the guy who would have killed you without it.

    the world is really gone whacko!

  3. the bus, being the cheapest form of long distance transport, attracts its share of crazies.  This is a pretty isolated incident but sloshing across the Prairies with a full load in the tank is enough to drive anyone bonkers

  4. I've been listening to discussion of this incident on the radio all morning. Inspections are said to be very difficult to do because many passengers board the buses in towns and villages where the buses stop at designated pickup points, not actual stations. Only the larger centres have dedicated bus terminals.

    While violent incidents are rare, Greyhound's low fares and lack of security and ID checks do tend to cater to a clientele who can be described as being on society's margins.

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