
Security issues in apartments... HELPPP?!

by  |  earlier

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In the past two days i have had my apartment broken into the three times. I have reported these incidents to the office, and nothing has happened; no police reports, or even them looking into the situation..

I DO NOT feel safe, and i do have rights to feel safe in my own housee.

Without making it look bad on my renters history is there anyway that i can break the lease?




  1. Listen. Report leaky pipes to the apartment office. Report crimes to the police. If you do have to do something like going to an apartment association or renters' organization, don't depend on the management to confirm you reported this stuff. What you don't say is what sort of hardware your apartment management provides, like strong deadbolt locks, locking bars for sliding doors, lighting, etc. If there is a renters advocacy group or an apartment renters' association town, go see them.  

  2. should have called police first then the office.  is there no security at this place?  yes you can break lease for unsafe area as long it is not your falt.

  3. I haven't read other's answers but I bet they say the same thing I'm writing.

    Call the police, not your building manager.  He is under no obligation to protect your property. You are.  You call the police, they take a report and invesitgate it.

    Leave the complex manger to work on loud kids, leaking pipes and broken washing machines.  

  4. why didn't you call the cops? seriously.  

  5. So first of all. You have to contact the police yourself. The apartment management won't do that for you and even if they do, your local police department may not take "third party reports". So call them and have them come out.

    Secondly, look at how your apartment got broken into. Did you leave a window open or a door unlocked? Or was your door kicked in or window broken? Make sure everything is secure and ask your apartment about installing a heavy duty door and locks.

    Also look at security systems. You can get an alarm fairly cheap. Maybe $100 just for a door senor, box and actual alarm. It won't be hooked up to a control center or anything. But it will give an audible alarm that may spoke anyone breaking in or give you valuable reaction time if someone breaks in while you are home.

    As for breaking the lease, you would have to speak with an attorney about that. I don't want to give you advice that may be incorrect and could result in you being sued.

  6. First, your call should have been to the cops, not the office.

    Technically you can break the lease, and say that you have been constructively evicted. However, you did not give them a reasonable amount of time to fix the problem.

    Three times in two days? Is someone out to get you.

    Anyway, you have to call the police, they should be your first call. You file a police report with the police not the office. You can break the lease.

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