
Security travel USA - "FREE CRUISE"?

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Hi, I just received a call from one of the travel specialists from Security travel USA saying that I won a "free cruise" to Bahamas for 3 nights and 4 days. The funny thing is that it's supposed to be free, well, they told me I have to pay $87.50 for me and another 87.50 for my partner, plus hotel fees, port fees, food, and $99 for me and $99 for the other person I'm taking when I choose the date. It sounds really suspiciuos to me. Doesn't it? Also, I checked the prices with Royal Caribbean and Carnival for a 3 night cruise and they are as low as $129.00! has anyone heard anything about this 'free cruise' thing? all answers will be appreciated! why do these people tell you you've won something free when you are paying the same price as if you were going on regular vacation? it's not free at all!!!!




  1. It is a scam.  Even if they ultimately have something to offer to you, it is nearly impossible for you to meet all of the condition - must have passport, must not change dates or there is fee, no refunds, etc.  They make a lot of money and not so many people are satisfied customers.  Best you find what you want to do and not be a victim of their schemes.

  2. Security travel USA ??? where is this travel company??? r they bonded and insured?

  3. I received something similar couple years ago..    It's kinda like the old adage,   "If it sounds to good to be true,  it probably isn't true!!

  4. telemarketers. go with the ones you know.


    Here is their website. they look legitmate. they are a st. petersberg (FL) travel agency. its your call.

  5. It's fraud, since they just want your infomation, such as credit cards and all this. These are simliar to the ones online

  6. my past experiences is they want to get you info on your credit card or bank, It is a scam and I would report it. I had one recently said I had one one million dollars, then they sent a bogus check that looked real, said go to wal-mart and cash and send it back for to pay customs with, I took it to the bank it was a bad check.  Be smart don't be vulnerable.

  7. If they are asking for money RUN don't walk away.  There are to many scams out there and I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them.

  8. its definately a scam!!! me and my partner got oe through the post here in the uk with exactly the same prices they quoted you ( well converted into pounds sterling) we went and booked with a well known travel agent and never looked back as we saved shed loads compared to these scammers. i also had a friend who fell for something like this and lost all of his money from his bank, £180000 to be exact AND  he had to phone a premium rate number too costing £15+ !!! he still kicks himself now because of it dont dare be tempted by these thieves

    good luck

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