Hi, I just received a call from one of the travel specialists from Security travel USA saying that I won a "free cruise" to Bahamas for 3 nights and 4 days. The funny thing is that it's supposed to be free, well, they told me I have to pay $87.50 for me and another 87.50 for my partner, plus hotel fees, port fees, food, and $99 for me and $99 for the other person I'm taking when I choose the date. It sounds really suspiciuos to me. Doesn't it? Also, I checked the prices with Royal Caribbean and Carnival for a 3 night cruise and they are as low as $129.00! has anyone heard anything about this 'free cruise' thing? all answers will be appreciated! why do these people tell you you've won something free when you are paying the same price as if you were going on regular vacation? it's not free at all!!!!