
See if you can help me....?

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I'm trying to decide which date I should use as far as an OVULATION Date....please help me with deciphering the OPK results...thanks!!

July 28, 2008: LMP

August 11, 2008: OPK (*Test Line SAME as Control Line)

August 14, 2008: OPK (*Test Line DARKER than Control Line)

August 20, 2008: CM streaked with brown tinge when wiping...

>>>and as of today, waiting on AF>>>tested and negative....

According to the timeline above, when do you think I should except my period....? It has usually been a 28 day cycle....but lately more like 31 days on average.

Please Help :) Thanks in advance!!

Also, my hubby and I bd'd during all the right times....and month.




  1. i would say if you think your cycle is 31 days try a test tom morning using first morning urine and if neg wait 3 days an try again your hcg level doubles every other day so if it is neg with your first morning urine tom wait a nother 3 days and it should be high enough to give a truthful answer

  2. My yguess would be between day 14 and 16 as far as ovulation. The brown tinge ccould be implantation bleeding. I got 3 negatives before a positive with my last baby and got my positive at 2 weeks past my normal start time. Best of luck sweetie!

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