
See myself traveling again and again in between different dreams - through water or air too and not just land?

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Besides saw another dream in between that drew my attention.I was standing besides a huge and seemingly deep lake and remained there for quiet some time.Twice I tried to get on to a boat that came near the shore.Once the boat was slightly distant so though I wanted to climb into it; I abandoned the idea because of distance and deep water in between (not bothering or planning or being anxious to climb onto the boat before or after- I was just calm, easy going and relaxed).Then second time I went close and was to an extent in the water when the boat came ..the position of boat and my own situation was very safe, convenient and appropriate to climb.But (cant remember too clearly) but for the fault of a lady on the boat it seems I was not able to climb.Cant remember what she had done- maybe she stopped me from climbing in or directed the boat to not stop.Cant say actually - don't remember the last scene too well.But I ended talking to someone how and why because of somebody's fault or a certain circumstance I was not able to get into the boat and missed a great chance

Could these two dreams mean anything important?




  1. You want to float along in life and don't want to make much effort.  All beings in a dream are about you, staring you.  If you wanted to get in a boat the lady in the boat is a part of you that prevented it.  But it looks like you want to be laid back and relaxed but you want to hide behind blaming others.There is nothing wrong with wanting to float along without much effort.  But if you feel you have to hide it maybe you are too laid back.  Ask a trusted friend if this is true in your waking life.

  2. I would say you missed one of the good opportunity out of lot of opportunities which comes and goes often. and will say you were still safe you did not fall into deep lake water, only you were not able to catch the boat to enchanting sight. it may also be possible that the ship you were trying to board may shinke on the way to paradise, So in that even I would say you were lucky for missing the ship, and may be that lady who did not allow you to board ship got shink with the ship.

    Come to reality.. I would say dream are not real, but they definatly have some link to reality in some or other way which i cant explain, its beyond my knowledge. And will conclude by saying ,its up to you to take it the way you want, either positive or negative , And if you take it positive you will be happy , that is sure.(Alice in Wonderland)


  3. Natural bodies of water represent Spiritual knowledge or Wisdom. The boat represents the mechanism one uses to transverse this knowledge. You are everyone in the dream. You are wanting to climb in the boat  (a discipline)  to transverse the knowledge you perceive, seem to be making several attempts realizing you had to get in the water etc. In the end you find you are preventing you from "climbing on the boat".

    You have the best dreams.


  4. The Goddess inside you is calling you, is what you are but there is still some obstruction from your sense of a false self. : )

  5. Mind is of quickly moving from one side to a different ways . scenes go on changing and it mixes with desires and loosing all some times and some thing pulls the situation,Dreams keep happy and some times desires are to bring some happiness and evey thing is vague

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