
See this article - should fat people have to reduce their carbon emissions?

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  1. Yes, and that action should follow an action taxing all greenies, liberals and feministas for excessive jaw action, driviel spewing and lip beating on stupid issues where by using excess oxygen in the atmosphere.

  2. It seems to make sense.  However, it is not as clear cut as it seems.  I am overweight, although not massively but I can't walk because I have arthritis and metatarsalgia.  I couldn't get around without my car.  I am sure there are other reasons that overweight people struggle to lose weight and have difficulties getting around.  Not everyone eats fast food, I certainly don't.

  3. that is absolute bollox, i also read somewhere the other day that plastics and lead pipes are to blame for making ppl fat !

  4. thats just all wrong, fat people eat more food......... nope not all the time they dont some people are fat due to other health reasons..... not just because they eat too much these people should get their  facts right before saying things like that....... i wouldnt have thought it would cost that much more to travel around in a car either.....what about the cars that pull caravans what about their effect on the environment what next.. dentists charging kids for treatment for eating too many sweets..... the world has gone mad and yeah im fat hehe

  5. Yes, when alcoholics are charged more for drinking too much, drug users are charged more for using illegal drugs and smokers are charged more for pollution...

  6. Statistically it probably all adds up, but they forgot about all that extra CO2 being produced by those fit people who won't stop playing tennis, jogging, riding bikes etc. :-)

  7. their emissions should be collected and used to power a gas fired power station

  8. What makes you think they're fat? The article clearly explains how these 'results' were obtained - BMI, the biggest pile of statisical horse manure ever created. It is NOT a reliable calculation for obesity, as it completely ignores the facts that muscle is heavier than fat. According to BMI all weightlifters, rugby players, wrestlers etc etc are obese, but are they actually? No, not by a long shot. These people should have their qualifications revoked.

  9. If meat-eaters are being castigated for (allegedly) contributing to so-called global warming by the environazi's, then it is no surprise that their attentions are now turning to people. Obese people at first, and then the rest of us. Mark my words!

  10. No, men should have to.  I've been surrounded by them all my life!

  11. Well for those that just sit on their **** and choose not to lose weight because theyre just too lazy then yeah

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