
See this in my point of view?

by  |  earlier

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my daughter was sneaking out for a week or so, then stopped. one night I caught her sneaking out with a condom in her hand. she swore it was for one of her friends. she tried to talk to me but I just ignored her because I was a little confused and hurt. then I had a giant argument with her and called her a horrible, ungrateful w***e of a daughter. she just brought me all of her condoms (she swore) and her BC. she told me that I was free to look around her room and if I found anything I didn't want her to have, then I could take it and she wouldn't ask for it again, and wouldn't buy it. was she trying to get me to trust her, or be mature, or did she just want me to talk to her and listen to her?




  1. ok if she is having s*x you need to give that stuff back to her.the last thing you want is a pregnant daughter if she has BC then you should be sure that she is having s*x. it wasn't right for you to call her a w***e. that was wrong. you need to sit down with her and say something along the lines of, I dont care if you go out but dont sneak out. you need to be honest and I need to be able to trust you. kinda thing. and when you have that talk with her you need to apologize for calling her a w***e, but you dont appreciate the way she is acting. and its not a good reputation she is setting for herself, by sneaking ut with condoms. kinda thing. Hope this works for you! good luck

  2. She  was trying to reason with you be reasonable...............

      As far as the condoms go if shes having s*x,give them back to her,do you really want her to leave  your daughter,and come back 15mins latter a mother.

      Shame on you for calling her a w***e,thats not a father,thats trash.

  3. well, let's see -- since in your other question you claim you broke her boyfriend's nose, one might assume that's she's terrified of you.

  4. Well how you treated her by calling her those horrible names i'm quite shock she's being open with you like she is. Sneaking out is not a good thing and you should have talked with her about that issue. As for the condums that could very well be true or it might not depending on her age. If she old enough to be thinking about s*x then she might be having it you cant watch her 24/7 but even if she is at least she being careful what would you rather have a girl who resposible in s*x or your little girl crying to you sayng daddy i'm pregnant the coice is all yours.

  5. ummm, she might have been trying to say

    fine, take my birth control, I'll just have s*x without it.

    If she has been using birth control and having s*x.....would she actually stop just because her birth control is gone? usually once you start, you don't stop

  6. yeah, dad. i did try to see it in your point of view. thats why i stopped sneaking out. and it was for my friend. and i dont want to have s*x for awhile or until you get the **** over it!

  7. You have seven children and you don't have any more sense than to call your daughter a w***e?  You're either lying or maybe you have seven children with seven different women?  I find it hard to believe that a dad who is proud enough to be a dad that he actually identifies himself as such would be so ignorant as to call his daughter a w***e and then ask for validation.

    *****Ahhh, Momof4, I get it now.  I knew something was fishy...

  8. I'd say she just wants you to trust her, and it was not very fatherly of you to call your own daughter a w***e. But, if you catch her doing this again than I'd sit her down and have a good talk with her, and straighten her up.

  9. Yes, maybe so..... But to be honest, your daughter sounds very mature, even though she is doing things she isn't supposed to, she is being smart and safe about it which does not happen very often with teenagers today. Have you talked with her about s*x, if not, BEFORE you go calling her a w***e, maybe you should have a talk with her about it... that can help more than anything and could have prevented all this.

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