
See when u flash someone out when your in traffic?

by  |  earlier

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does it not just p**s you off when they just sit there not even looking, while your doing them a favour and holding everybody else up, so in future im going to be rude and not flash anybody out




  1. actually, flashing someone is according to the highway code, a warning to other drivers that you are there! however yes it really is bloody annoying when some gimp ignores your pleasantry's

  2. Well, they don't HAVE to come out, do they?

  3. maybe they have a hard time interpreting what your trying to do

  4. I love to flash

  5. The high way code says whatever but everyone knows that if u flash someone its u bein nice 2 let them through. God yes it nips my head when they don't acknowledge me. The other day I let someone through 4 others followed and only one acknowleged me. Buggers. haha

  6. yes it does annoy me,

    as does people sat at traffic lights who don't pull away when they change because they are too busy talking to someone on a mobile phone to notice the lights have changed!

    and not indicating when turning off!

    or not switching their indicators off when they have!

    now I have all that road rage out of my system I must go to the shops now, and annoy loads of people with my load music blasting with my window down.

  7. ROFL @ Crispy

    I'll usually flash them once.  If the don't start rolling pretty much immediately they lost their chance.

  8. The Official way to grant a person right of way is to wave them on.  Look in the highway code.

  9. I have to agree. Although any driving instructor worth their salt will tell you that it's not a valid signal to use (for good reason I suppose because it's open to interpretation.....sometimes by useless individuals) - it's used by everyone. I find it shows how little situational awareness some people really have. When you flash, flash, flash again, start braking and still the person on the other side is looking up their nose in the mirror it's rather infuriating. They disregard the traffic sat behind you and them. Handheld nukes may be the answer !!! Rant over.

  10. Read the highyway code dude!  Flashing someone might be the universally accepted way of giving way to them - but if the two of you crash, they'd be at fault because there is no officially recognised method of granting the right of way to another road user...

  11. Yes! My wife tells me that I usually mutter, "Say thank you to the nice man now you ignorant bug-ger."

  12. Ah! f**k, have patience, not everyone expects good manners on the roads, theyre maybe distracted. Give them a few seconds to notice. You must be a gentleman driver, that's special. Flash at them again till they notice hahahaha

    What really peas me off is drivers who don't use their indicators. Even when I am a pedestrian I need to know where the darn cars are going, roundabouts are the worst.

  13. Just means they've read the Highway Code.  Why not do what the rest of the world does, and wave them out?

  14. Although I do get aggravated when people don't respond to being flashed out, it's not going to stop me from flashing others.  If I have an opportunity to ease traffic congestion, I'm going to take it.  If some ding-dong doesn't want to take advantage of my generosity, that's their choice.  I'd say 90% of the folks I flash know what to do and do it.

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