
Seeing A Therapist In A Few Weeks...?

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I had an anxiety induced seizure... and i get a lot of panic attacks.. so i'm seeing a therapist in a few weeks. does anyone know what to expect? like.. do they just ask questions or do they just talk or something?

thanks, 10 pts for best answer. : )




  1. I work for a therapist / counselor so I can tell you it is not as bad as people make it out to be. They will ask you questions but you do most of the talking. Talk about what ever you want and dont be afraid of what they ask. Remember that they are there to help you and sometimes they ask questions that are embarising but they are not there to judge they are there to help you heal and find the problem and get past it. If you are uncomfortable then find a different one. Just be yourself.

  2. Your therapist will probably ask you some basic questions and try to get you at ease. When the therapist asks you why you are seeing her/him, be honest, open and tell them everything that is bothering you. If you dont do this it is very hard for the therapist to help you.

    It sounds like you need a good anti anxiety medication like, xanax, lorazepam. Good luck to you.

    I see a therapist once a week, and believe me, the being open and honest part is key.

  3. a therapist is there to guide you to find your own answers, they don't have answers for you, they help you find your own.  Panic disorder is most often caused by unresolved emotional issues, to find out what those issues are, you will be doing most of the talking.  The therapist will ask you leading questions, then will listen and then might offer you some things to think about as a result of what you've said.  Go with the idea of working on issues that bother you.

  4. I went to something very similar.

    They start by getting to know you, they may ask a few personal questions, and when you answer, they may get you to go into detail.

    I found it great though cause you can talk about whatever you want, they dont judge you, and its great to get anything off your chest. I also had anxiety, and i am doing so much better now. I often times looked forward to seeing the therapist. Hope this helps, just dont be nervous, and if you dont feel comfortable answering certain questions, no one can force you. Good luck and get better! :)

  5. the first time i went they asked me a couple questions. nothing to personal just questions to figure out whats going on. then some questions about family. then he just put me on medication without asking me how i felt. i felt jipped. :)

  6. alot of ppl think therapists are just there to take some notes and pretend to care but they really r there to help so take advantage of it

  7. I've read books about therapists and such. They were very considerate with the client's privacy, and they just waited until the client wanted to open up and talk. Like, I read in this one book (these books are nonfiction by the way, lol) that the therapist didn't talk for about two weeks, until the client wanted to talk.

    I'm sure he/she may try to ask a question, but they're very understanding. They don't try to pressure you into talking.

    Hope I helped.

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