
Seeing Black spots in vision?

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My son is adopted and so I have very little family history. He has been seeing 2 black spots in his line of vision in his left eye for about 4-6 weeks. The eye doctor said he has astigmatism and that is causing the black dots. The next week he was seeing a black spot in his right eye. This kind of blows his theory. I took my son for another visit and he says everything looks healthy. He seems to have no idea what else it might be. He said they are not floaters and the eye looks healthy. Any ideas?




  1. I have no idea, but I would be investigating it further, hope you get some answers, all the best......

  2. I'm sorry to hear this, I have had holes in my vision (usually caused by tired eyes and even headaches) but they're very colorful and take over my entire field of vision, rendering me essentially blind save for my extreme periphery. I can close my eyes and rest and usually it goes away within 10-20 minutes (over the years it's seemingly benign, yet very unusual nonethless). Having said that, almost all such things are neurological in orientation, so seeing a specialist in that field is probably the next best step! In the end an MRI and even an MRA (and/or a CT) are likely in order as well.

    It's also remotely possible he has lazy eyes (such as my right eye). I mean this in the classic medical sense, not the social one that people falsely think of upon hearing that term. When I close my right eye it changes nothing, so I basically see almost 100% with my left eye (my weaker right eye never having learned to really "work" as hard as it should. So lazy eye does not mean it doesn't move with the other eye, which is a cosmetic issue and not the real definition of lazy). Why I mention this is because when I close my left/good eye, my right eye starts getting "tired" in about 15-20 seconds and black spots start appearing and as I continue, it envelops a goodly portion of my vision (it's like trying to use atrophied muscles). This is why my right eye is "uncorrectable" and I only buy/wear one contact lense (for my good/left eye). If this is the case w/him and he's young enough (I was too old when we caught on) an eye doctor may give you patches for him to wear to work each eye out and strengthen them. I hope this is all it boils down to, keep us posted!

  3. I would get a second opinion if possible.

  4. I have heard of ocular hypertension and macular degeneration that might be it.

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