
Seeing Double out of just one eye? (contacts)?

by  |  earlier

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So this is hardly noticeable: usually just when I am looking at something light against something dark (ex white letters on someone's black T-shirt) and I close one eye, there is like a ghost image of the bright thing to the lower left of the original.

I wear soft contacts, so I think this is likely a problem with the contacts just not sticking to my eyes correctly.




  1. It could be the lens not centreing correctly, or it could be uncorrected astigmatism.

    It's not unusual to leave small degrees of astigmatism deliberately uncorrected rather than go to the expense and ppossibleinconvenience of a toric lens, especially it the astigmatism is only in one eye, but this would normally have been discussed with you before-hand, rather than simply been done without you being consulted.

  2. I think your right. Best have them checked.  

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