I need help on how to look up prices for tickets online. I rarely travel by plane and I've never booked a flight before either. So I'm scared I'll s***w up this visit.
My boyfriend is a Marine who's training in 29 Palms, California and his unit will be sent to Iraq in September. I haven't been able to see him in person in 4 months now. When he got his one chance to return to NYC, I was on a study abroad in China and my return was scheduled 2 days for after he had to leave again. :(
There's a slight chance he'll get liberty during the Labor Day weekend, so we can have an early celebration of his birthday.
He said I should start researching plane tickets. And that we should meet at either Palm Springs or San Diego. Can people tell me what the airports are for those two places? And how can I find plane tickets or purchase low prices?
I also need to know if there's any good hotels and restaurants in those areas where we can have fun and eat out. Thank you for any help you guys can give. This trip is very important to me!