
Seeing a white snake on your head ..what does this dream predict?

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yesterday i had a dream ,that i visited a temple.there was a white snake on the lamp laying still.i showed my mother that snake by streching my hands.that time the snake went up on me to my head and nicely rolled up on top of my head.then i started chanting gods name .after sumtime it came down through my hand.what does this dream signifies




  1. it means you are going to come to yahoo answers and get some answers

  2. As a positive symbol, snakes represent transformation, knowledge and wisdom. It is indicative of self-renewal and positive changes.

  3. A snake usually represents deceit or lies.  In this case, it would suggest you have come in contact with false religious teaching.  The snake is laying on the lamp, so it is blocking the light of truth, because lies often hide the truth.

    You reach out to the snake, meaning you accept the lie.  The snake rolls up around your head, which means your mind is bound up with the lies.  The false teaching is choking your mind so you do not see truth.

    You believe the lies, and accept the false god the snake offers.  

    Anything that contols our minds at some point will come out through our actions.  The hands represent your actions, because most things we do are done with our hands.

    The snake comes down from your head through your hand.   This represents the thoughts and decisions you make are based on the lies, and it is impacting your choices and actions.

    Pray to the God who created you.  Ask Him to give you wisdom and show you truth.  

    God bless you,


  4. All in all, this is a positive dream. Snakes, and particularly a white snake means that you are experiencing a transformation, a reawakening, or a fresh outlook on life. The temple represents spiritual thinking and growth. The lamp and your mother being in the dream with you symbolize guidance, hope and reassurance, guidance and protection. What a wonderful dream.

    You are beginning a positive journey to another step in your life. Your mother is a positive influence to guide you and you have her to rely on. Good luck!

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