
Seeing as Queen Elizabeth II always looks so miserable should she be retired off?

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I'm not saying dopey Charles should take over. How about having another try at being a republic?




  1. She did a good job there. Without her the citizens in the Great Britain will be miserable, and poor. She is not 100% perfect, but she is definitely better than a lot of leaders in the world. Their system is not bad at all, as compared to other systems. The Republic most of time equals to a mess. You certainly have a wild imagination on this one.

  2. Leave our Queen alone! Where is your pride for your country? God save the Queen!

  3. No, she's a good queen, it's Prince Charles who should be abolished.

  4. If all the requirements of being a good leader is to have a smile, then most leaders should be ditched for a happy smiling model.  She is a figurehead for the UK and it's just the luck of the draw.  She'll be Queenie for a while longer.

  5. NO!  You / we may not like them, but they bring a lot to our economy.  We get tourists over just to see them, that's money into our society.  We'd be a lot poorer  without them

  6. I don't know what photos or images you're seeing, but HM is usually smiling. If her face is sour looking, I imagine she's probably giving it a rest. She has over 400 official engagements a year. Hundreds and thousands of people come out to see her (actually, two million came to The Mall for her Jubilee) and she spends hours smiling at them. I expect her face gets tired. Give her a break, she's in her 80s and will probably have another 20 years of work ahead of her.

  7. No, no no.  We do NOT want that berk Charles and his royal w***e anywhere near the throne.  As for the second part, no thanks.

  8. You wouldn't be all bloody smiles if you had to do what she does, bless her soul!

  9. I don't think Queen Elizabeth II looks miserable, I think she shows concern for her domain.  She is quite a remarkable woman when you consider she really wasn't "raised from an infant to be Queen".  I wouldn't say she is a genius, but she certainly has given her reign her all. She has made mistakes, but look around at all of the others in power, they have made some real mistakes and they haven't been in power for 54 years either.

  10. OMG! We could have Gordon McBrown as president, what a great idea! Or even better dear Tonee Bliar could come back and wear the crown (i like that idea)

    Whatever, the new president would have to be a scot!

  11. the answer is defiantly no why should the queen abdicate (for your information that is the word not retire) and we certainly do not want a republic with a president the Queen does a very good job I doubt if you could do her job

  12. Yeah give her, her p45 & let wills have the job! lol!

  13. no way shes well better than prince charles i think we should skip charles and go straight to william get a young fresh mind running the country.

  14. Charles is laughing stock

  15. At her age you would probably also look miserable.

  16. The best is if either Prince William or Prince Harry can be king of Britain from this moment.

  17. We watched"The Royal Family at Work" last night. Her Majesty showed the wit and humour that befits her position and is known to have a wicked sense of humour in her private life. She has been the figurehead of our countries monarchy for 55 years and long may she reign.

  18. The Queen in her eighties works to a schedule that would exhaust someone half her age, and has done all her life. I cannot think of any politician who has given that kind of service and dedication to the country and the commonwealth.

  19. good idea.  I'm fed up of seeing her miserable face all the time.  what on earth has she got to be miserable about anyway??????????????????????????

  20. How about NO!

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