
Seeing as economies have to be made?

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Is the cheap wine with the s***w top inferior to the corked variety




  1. When it's in a decanter, as it should be, then who cares or even knows if it came from a s***w top or a corked bottle?

  2. I don't know you best ask Steph j about that one.

  3. Wine with a "s***w top" is a travesty .

    I would not give it houseroom.

    (Bargain beer´ll do me though)

  4. Makes it easier to drink on the way to a party.My m8 and me once broke a bottle on a wall as we couldnt open it outside whilst waiting for someone.Had to be careful not to cut our lips.We were 16 at the time tho

  5. Nah

    It keeps better, is easier to open and will never be corked.

  6. I always knew americans don't know how to make good wine.

  7. No.....Wine snobs do exist.....Take no notice......

  8. In any case. Don't forget quality can't be cheap!

  9. Now then, I know

    There is a shortage of cork so more wine is being bottled with s***w caps. dont make any difference to the quality of wine but makes life a h**l of a lot easier for me.

    I dont do cork screws

  10. Nah I drink it all the time its got a superb bouquet . LOL

  11. my lady would drink it if it was capped with an explosive device  I witnessed a friend of ours op[en a bottle by smacking the top of the bottle of a wall,

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