
Seeing as how we eat almost all the parts of an animal, do we eat the genital areas and anuses?

by Guest33616  |  earlier

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Seeing as how we eat almost all the parts of an animal, do we eat the genital areas and anuses?




  1. Actually, it depends on the culture. Seeing as you asked this question, I assume that you are not part of any culture that eat the genital areas and anuses.

    Here in the Philippines, chicken anuses are sometimes intentionally eaten. Meanwhile, the testicles of some animal (I think it must be a bull, but I'm not certain) are made into a soup that we call Soup Number 5 (don't ask why the name is like that; I haven't the slightest idea). The soup is supposed to be an aphrodisiac.

    There are other cultures that eat the genital areas of animals, particularly for the purported aphrodisiac effects. (It always boils down to s*x.)

  2. It depends on the culture you're referring to.  Some do, some don't.

    Here in America, these parts are usually ground up into dog and cat food, or used for some other purpose, but not eating.

  3. No, we don't eat those parts. They are attached to organs on the inside, so they get cut around from the outside and then come out with all the innards (stomach, intestines, etc.) when they are removed.

    The parts we eat are the flesh/muscle, and sometimes liver etc..

  4. A phrase for you...Prairie Oysters

  5. Some cultures do. Depends on what part of the world you are talking about.

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