
Seeing as this is now the un-official Aussies section,tell me which are your favourite Aussie beers?

by  |  earlier

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PATE E ,wine is fine as well,i actually enjoy a good red.




  1. got to be fosters

  2. Carlton Draught & Carlton Cold

  3. VB first, coopers green second

  4. Well Forky, I would say that Cooppers Pale Ale and Carlton Cold are my favourites.

  5. I like Carlton Draught

    and VB

    but I love Boags! YUM!

  6. My favourite is West end Draught!

    I used to love West end export but haven't seen it for a while!!

    I don't mind a VB too!

    oh yeah, I don't mind

    a coopers too!

    and the odd Carlton Draught doesn't go astray!

    Did I mention I like beer?

  7. It's gotta be Coopers Pale Ale

  8. I quit drinking beer before I ever went to Australia, been on the wagon now for over 18 years.

    My mates in Melbourne all like VB.

  9. Carlsberg, Corona, Heineken & Sol.

  10. Does it have to be beer what about aussie wine or are wine drinkers not allowed to like footy and rugby?

    partial to a glass of Yellow or Banrock station well actually more than one glass.


  11. Carlton Cold & Haans

  12. VB :)

  13. I like a Tooheys Extra Dry or Crown.

    Hate VB eeurghh!

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