
Seeing as we're running out of resources everywhere, what are some of the things you do to save them?

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For instance, I shower as fast as I can and I turn off the water when I'm soaping up, never leave the computer, TV, or lights on if we're not using it, we barely turn on the heater and we never use AC - we just wear cozy sweaters all day. It's actually not that bad, plus our heating and water bills are very low compared to other people in the US. Then, we recycle and reuse everything possible to save even more resources!




  1. Go vegetarian

    its makes a huge difference

  2. I doubt if you are willing to listen but we are not running out of resources as fast as you suggest.  For example,  the amount of water (your first example) is 140,000,0000,000,000,0000,000  kilograms.  Lets say you use one kilogram.  There is still 140,000 quadrillion kg left and that doesn't take into account that the water you use goes right back into the ocean as if you didn't use any.   As for energy, people have been suggesting that we are running our of coal, oil and gas since the 1880s.  Since then it always becomes more available.  There is a finite limit though we are not close to it.  It is wise not to waste since you have to pay for it, but I wouldn't worry about it running out.

  3. i carefully use them,like i save a lot of time  for all the things around me, i really  protect them,,

  4. Use LED lights where possible.

    Use low energy lights always.

    Use natural lighting whenever possible.

    Cut back on your driving.

    Don't use AC when not absolutely necessary.

    Use a programmable thermostat.

    Use geo-thermal heating.

    Insulate properly.

    Use high per percentage furnaces.

    Use shade trees to help cool your house.

    Use efficient fixtures for your shower.

    Use energy efficient appliances.

    Drive energy efficient cars.

    Buy locally.

    Think globally, act locally.

    Fix leaking taps.

    Don't water your lawn.

    Boycott coal thermal electric plants.

    Buy smaller houses.

    Protest Bush's energy failings.

    Ride a bicycle.  


    Supliment your electricity with the new, much cheaper solar panels.

    Use non-oil plastics.

  5. We are?  Exactly what resources are we running out of.  Facts and figures please, from real scientific sources (i.e. not Wikipedia).

  6. Continue the good work on conservation and dont have more than 2 kids. Population is the biggest consumer of our resorces. We dont need 5 or 6 or.....children to help us work the land any more.

  7. 1.Take bath in cold water.

    2. No AC at all.

    3. Use Bicycle exclusively for all local travel and public transport for long route.

    4. Recycling to reduce impact.

    5. Use cloth bag for carrying vegetables avoiding plastic.

    6. No to plastic.

    7. No to packaging items

    8. Use of energy to the minimum requirement.

    9. Living a natural life.

    10. No to medicines.

    11. Yoga and meditation.

  8. Smarter Built homes and apartments etc.

    I would definantely recommend - Rent or Buy small accomadation and house, Gas Bills and Electricity are way to expensive and expected to increase in the future.

    Also - Start wearing extra clothing, if you feel cold in the house ...etc.

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