
Seeing double?

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I think I might have some sort of problem with my eyes. It's hard to explain, but I'll do my best.

Say your holding up your hand, about six inches from your face. When I focus on my hand, the background goes double. When I focus on the background, my hand doubles.

Is this a problem, or just natural?




  1. This is totally normal.  In fact, this is the way the visual system is supposed to work.  When you focus your eyes on a specific point in space each eye turns toward this point and the line of focus of each eye intersects exactly at that point.  Any object that is behind or in front of this point will be seen as a double image.  Most people don't notice this phenomenon, though, because the brain does a pretty good job of ignoring the doubling of images that are not in the person's focal plane.  You seem to be a pretty observant person!  Again, though, this is the way the visual system works.  You are fine.

  2. Do you have to take medication fir anything?? If so, the mediciine (or one of them, if you take more than one), could cause this, espically if you're just starting to take them. I had the same trouble when I was around 10 or so, I could be at the table, all the sudden, two plates. Or look over at mom and I'd see two of her. Of course, the second item, you could see through. I don't remember what was done to take care of that, but hasn't happened in years. Hope you get this taken care of.

  3. That also happens to me. Try holding your hard as far away as possible and try it. If the hand is too near, you are trying to focus father thus unfocusing the nearest object.

  4. Well, your eyes do move in and out to accomodate for the distance that your focus is at. So, the things that are not in that line of focus will blur and somtimes double. It is really rather normal.

  5. Well, that isn't seeing double..seeing double is when you, well, see double. When you focus on the hand, the background will go slightly blurry and vice versa - that's normal. If it effecting your day, like you bump into stuff or can't read or have eye fatigue, go to an optometrist.

  6. If your vision fuses where you are focusing and you see a single image there, your eyes and eye muscles are working fine.

  7. Happens to me too.

  8. Madilynn,

    this is totally normal because there are several inches between your eyes, they have to converge to see close objects.  That makes far objects blurry and double when you focus close. The reverse is also true when you look at far objects;  Everything close will be blurry and/or double.

    Very observant, but normal.

  9. Please check with your doctor. It may be caused by an

    eye muscle imbalance.



    (") (")

    Tick tack is my name.

    cuz I love my paws,

    more than my toes.

  10. Absolutely normal.

    The technical term is "physiological diplopia"

    It demonstrates that you are using both eyes at the same time (someone with a lazy or suppressed eye can't produce the effect.) and it's exploited in a range of eye-training exercises.

    Nothing to worry about at all.
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