
Seeing "Shadow Figures" whilst awake?

by Guest63250  |  earlier

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I was wondering if anyone could help me out.

Quite a few years ago I was wide awake and having trouble sleeping. I was fairly young, about 14 or 15, and had never experienced anyhting like this before.

It was very late at night, poissbly 1 am, when all of a sudden I heard very loud footsteps on the landing. Both my parents and brother were fast asleep. As the footsteps got closer to the door, my room became darker and colder, even though my window was shut tight. Suddenley the door was pushed wide open and a large, tall figue, completely dark like a shadow, entered my room. At this point I dived under my covers, utterley terrified, and felt cold breath on my neck, very real.

At that point I lost it and screamed for my Mum, and as soon as the entity had appeared it left too.

My Mum told me that no-one was awake and that she had heard nothing.

I'm very confused and slightly worried, as it's happened again several times, late at night.

Any help would be fantastic!





  1. I have a ghost.

    He is my friend though we shear my room if you think i m kidding i m not. i stay in my part nd he stays in his.. although i m afraid of him he isn't there to hurt me just a lost soul.

    Maybe you could try talking to this strange figure or going to a spirt shop  i got this stuff called

    California weed it really helped ease bad vibes

  2. get an adequate amount of rest and dont worry they aren't going to get you

  3. Look, I'm sorry to be really really really boring, but it was almost certainly a bad dream.

    I know that's not as exciting as a ghost, but it's much much much more likely to be true.


  4. You may have an entity in you home. The reason you aren't seeing the whole entity, and only the shadow is because the entity doesn't have enough 'energy' to show its whole self. If it happens again, put a video camera in your room, and have it run all night, and frequently use a tape recorder to try to communicate to the entity. If you want great advice on the paranormal, watch 'Ghost Hunters' , Wednesdays 7-9 on the Sci-Fi channel. Or just e-mail me at:

  5. These shadow figures were alive and were not trying to do you or anyone else any good.  They had once been  embodied, living mortals as you and I are now, and they died with a history of dealings with people that was generally motivated by hopes of gain for self.  They are capable of sucking some of the strength away from human beings who are not protected against this. A part of you has some psychic ability. And you sensed their presence  and you sensed their grade when they were intruding upon you and frightening you.  What you knew enough to do  gave you the protection you so much wanted.

  6. Here is a "Shadow People" Sight,

    I have dealt with these kinds of things nearly all of my life.  Some say they are evil, while others say they are harmless.  When you are dealing with the "paranormal",  you are dealing with something that is not from our dimension, you just don't ever know what you are getting.  

    My advice would be to research the house you lived in.  Find out its history, who lived there, what happened to them & so on.

    It sounds like someone come into check up on you.  There may have been a man living there with children or a possible sick person.  If there has been no threating acts, then I would not worry.  When it happens again, just ask it to stop.  This figure may not even be aware that "you" are even there.  It may be a "residual" haunting,  a memory from the past so to speak.

    Research the home & see what you find.

  7. Gotta agree with the toad on this one. A few things are key -- the fact that this happened a long time ago (memories fade and become less accurate with time), and that it happened in the wee hours when you're trying to sleep. The vast majority of hauntings reported here in Yahoo Answers happen in the wee hours when the hauntee is sleeping, going to sleep or waking up from sleep. And in this case, you probably were sleeping and had this dream.

  8. I suggest that likely you are having a special kind of dream

    known as a "lucid dream". These types of dreams have

    been studied by Dr. Stephen LaBerge of Stanford University.

    In a lucid dream, you have more of your waking

    consciousness, so there is greater vividness. It is

    possible to take control of a lucid dream, so that you can

    remove the element that is causing you to be afraid, and

    remove the fear element.

  9. That would partly be my fault.  As I have expressed (not for a few months) that I used to work for an organization called the MIA.  We were working on a project called Project Zen, which was based on trying to connect twon dimensions.  We succeeded.  We noticed that when the hole appeared, it slowly began to just...sink into the air.  Since then, we have heard more and more reports of "shadow people"  We have deduced that we accidentally tapped into a dimension similar to a virus.  It is slowly becoming more fixed into this world.  We are currently tring to reverse the damages.  Don't worry, just try to avoid the shadow people.  Or try to ignore them, the more you pay attention to them, the more they see you as a vantage point, (as somepeople can not see them...yet) and Just leave them alone.  If you need more information, email me

  10. I woke up to a completely white shadow at the foot of my bed, as my head and shoulders came off the bed to look at it, to make sure I was seeing what I saw. It's thoughts pop in my head telepathy. It thoughts were,"He can see me". I didn't know what to make of it as I pull the blankets up to my face, I actually left it there, and I fell off to sleep. It's a long story, but it kept coming back to me, then I started to talk to it, and she started speaking back, come to find out she's my spirit guide...she still comes to me four years later. Sometimes they are hard to understand if from another dimension, but usually they do make adjustments, if they know enough to adjust their vibrations. I only saw one dark shadow believe to of been residual. The white shadows or gray, I have communicated with.

    Speak to it the next time you see it, ask questions, and see if you can understand it, if not say to it, I don't understand your words to see what it does. Perhaps ask questions and ask it to knock once for yes, and twice for see if it hears and understands.


  11. Yes, the shadow figure creature is quite a common phenomena. Four types of encounters that I've heard of include The figure walking down a hallway, the head on encounter, sleep paralysis and road ghosts. I am pretty sure these are all connected, that is they work in a similar manner.

    I too have encountered shadow men in various ways.

    When one experiences sleep paralysis, there is a set of common experiences which hold up worldwide and go back at least a thousand years in recorded history.

    Shadow men have a similar history, and I think they are produced by our minds in a similar way. For one reason or other, our mind switches over to dream mode, and we experience the shadowy figure projected into the real world enviroment that we are seeing.

    of course, its very freaky and unsettleing when you see them, and your reaction of fear is quite natural. Just remember that its not a real creature, its just something your mind created. and your not crazy, lots of people see them.

  12. I can believe on u bco'z i have been heared like that many in fact it had been happened with me before 2 years ago , i saw that a man in black long coat is watching from the door.

    well ur case looks more serious bco'z it had been happened with u more time .

    u will have to make sure to ur mom and request to her to understand ur problem to sleep with u 4 sometime .

    generally its happen that a same dream sick us many bco'z a horror dream effect us lot .

    While sleeping keep a iron knife under ur pillow.

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