I was wondering if anyone could help me out.
Quite a few years ago I was wide awake and having trouble sleeping. I was fairly young, about 14 or 15, and had never experienced anyhting like this before.
It was very late at night, poissbly 1 am, when all of a sudden I heard very loud footsteps on the landing. Both my parents and brother were fast asleep. As the footsteps got closer to the door, my room became darker and colder, even though my window was shut tight. Suddenley the door was pushed wide open and a large, tall figue, completely dark like a shadow, entered my room. At this point I dived under my covers, utterley terrified, and felt cold breath on my neck, very real.
At that point I lost it and screamed for my Mum, and as soon as the entity had appeared it left too.
My Mum told me that no-one was awake and that she had heard nothing.
I'm very confused and slightly worried, as it's happened again several times, late at night.
Any help would be fantastic!