
Seeing something over and over get views?

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I like to watch some video or a profile over and over and I have been wondering if I watching them over and over is getting people views or it is just by each account because My friend believe on yahoo 360 each time I look at his or he looks at mine we get a view and I don't think so. So can you please tell me if it is true or not.




  1. Each time someone (anyone) looks at your 360 it is counted as a view. :-) They can go back many times in one day and it will be counted each time.

    My husband and I both have pages. I've checked several times by leaving a comment on his page and each time the page view counter (if it's working...) goes up.

    Sometimes the page view counter isn't working though. When it's down, it doesn't reflect the page views right away--it takes a while. Then all of a sudden it jumps up to the number of views your 360 page had while it wasn't working.


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