
Seeing the supernatural things,is a curse?or a gift?

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Seeing the supernatural things,is a curse?or a gift?




  1. neither .. i think its quite common... but we are taught / condition to ignore it. example: my 2 year son keeps on telling me theres something in his room that has big eyes .. where did he learn this?

    Another example .. my 6 month old looks around at things that i cant see .. is she seeing things i cant?

    i think we all start off seeing things .. but as we grow up we are told theres not real or your "seeing things" ... so we stop believing in things .. and stop seeing them

  2. The answer to that question is only in the mind of the answerer.  Some people will consider enhanced perception to be a gift because of the extended experiences that it brings.  Others would consider it a curse because of the added burden of determining how to use this ability.

    With each skill or ability comes a responsibility.  Those who are able to "see the supernatural things" have an ability to do something that most other people are not able to do.  With this ability comes the burden of deciding how to use those skills.  Most people don't have to make this decision because they don't have these abilities, and so, people with these skills have to consider more about the world than most other people.  Some people may consider that a curse.

    On the other hand, somebody who has enhanced perception will have the opportunity to experience things that most other people cannot ever experience.  This can be considered a gift.

    If an individual is able to accept the responsibility that comes with the enhanced abilities, those abilities are a gift.

  3. i think everyone has  the ability and we are taught to ingore it  -- its kind of like pretending you can't smell anything though.

  4. I guess it all depends on that persons ability to use it and how that person uses it

  5. I think you probably have a sleeping disorder and its causeing you to hallucinate.

  6. neither. there is no such things as supernatural things

  7. a gift....

  8. It's an unfortunate state of affairs no matter how you look at it.  Think of all the fun and interesting things you could do with your time and energy down here on planet Earth, if you didn't believe in magic.

  9. A curse if your scared of it a gift if you are unafraid & help others with your gift.

  10. gift

  11. both, and un-nerving as well. Not something you want to deal with everyday.

  12. I personally think it is a gift. Whoever did this to you oviously wanted someone to help them or make the world a better place. You don't know how many people out there wish they could see supernatural things. I really hope this helps you.

  13. Neither,it's a delusion.

  14. there is no supernatural.

    those who see ghosts, goblins, greys, aliens or some other incarnation are actually just experiencing psychological delusions generally caused by trauma.

    while there is no supernatural there is the unknown natural world of science which is pretty close but its all true.

  15. it is a paradox. both a blessing and a burden.  it is wonderful if the gifts are used for the greater good of all, but, a burden when it is not able to be turned off and on.  those without that capability can go nuts.

  16. It's a curse if you believe it.

  17. I would say that seeing imaginary things is a curse, not a gift. Being prone to power of suggestion is not a gift either, but a weakness.

  18. I say it's both and neither. I would say it is a normal human ability just like love can both hurt like h**l and bring you untold joy. Like all human abilities some people are better at it than others.

  19. I'd say like a bit of both. But having the sense of sumtin about to happen right before it does, IS kinda kewl lol. I mean i've had that feeling like alot, and sumtin bad almost always happens. I don't make sense I?  ^^

  20. Supernatural claims require supernatural proof.  It is a curse because it cannot be proven.

  21. It is both.

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