
Seeing thing that arent there

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okay for awhile now i have been dozing off especially when i was in school. and while i doze off im technically still awake (daydreaming)

and well whenever i perk back up i start to see things.

like eyes in the wall, a crow on the window, figures moving around, and i always get the feeling im being watched whenever im alone.

lately i see dark objects moving around, or smudges on surfaces that when i get to them vanish. or a small figurine or somesort across the room that when i get there its nothing.

im not really bothered by it, cept the hole gettin watched part...

but sometimes its gotten very... vivid to say the least...




  1. What you may be experiencing is a form of narcolepsy that includes symptoms of hypnagogic/hypnopompic hallucinations. What some call "waking dreams."  A part of your brain is still in sleep/dream mode. This is very treatable. It can be particularly scary, it has been for me. Best thing to do is see a doctor that specializes in sleep/neurological disorders, to get a confirmed diagnosis and rule out other possible causes. Don't worry, you're not crazy as you seem to be well aware that these things are not real.

    Also, MORE sleep will exacerbate the hallucinations, as it is tied to the brains inability to wake fully.

  2. sounds fun. at least you won't get lonely

  3. I've had those kinds of problems for years, but its more to do with your mind and imagination wandering off.  I'd talk to a counselor or something, they'll know how to help.

  4. First, I want to ask you, are you on any type of medication or drugs?  If so, they may be causing what you describe.

    If not, you need to see an optermatrist to get your eyes examined.  Explain to the eye doctor what you have told us here.  They can prescribe eyeglasses or medication that could take care of this problem.

    Now, if your eyes are ok, and you are not on any drugs, well, that's another story.  I want to say here that some people can see more than others.  Its a special, shall I say,

    "gift" that they have.  And, the only thing I believe you can do is accept your special "gift".  

    There is one other thing I want to mention.  Its your diet.  Be sure you are eating well.  Lay off so much sugar, and drink lots of water.  The feeling of someone or something's watching you should disappear!

  5. The extraterrestrial biological entities (EBE's) are watching and wish to use you in their human-alien breeding experiments.

  6. Sometimes if you are nervous, very strange things will start to happen. If you have been particually "traumatised" by the random things you see, perhaps they are coming to you in a sort of nightmare? Try to relax and sleep AT HOME not at school! If you see something that isnt really there, just ignore it. It'll go away!

  7. Assuming you aren't smoking or ingesting hallucinogens, sleep deprivation can cause hallucinations.  Try getting more sleep at home.  If that doesn't work (or you are unable to sleep more), you might consider contacting your doctor for further direction.  There are a number of other neurological things that can cause sleep deprivation or waking hallucinations.

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