
Seeithing with Anger: Does this term describe the average feminist?

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I've met many feminists. The vast majority seem to be seething with anger about men, global issues, children, American culture ... and ... well ... everything.

Is seething with anger a prerequisite to be a feminist?




  1. Seeithing? I've never "seeithed."

    Actually, I find the feminists on here are pretty laid back, it's the anti-feminists who regularly indulge in hysterical tantrums and unimaginative, OCD insulting.

  2. They don't seem like that to me. Or most other people on here. Maybe it's something about your presence? Ever heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy?

  3. Feminists are told that its ok to be angry at men. Other special interest groups are told by society that its not ok to hate others e.g. the KKK are told its not ok to hate Black people, Catholics are told its not ok to hate Jewish people etc. However women are told its ok to hate men, so we get a lot of uncensored hatred from feminists towards men that simply would not be tolerated if addressed at Black or Jewish people e.g. the infamous 'Boys Are Stupid, Throw Rocks at Them!' t-shirts & bumper stickers

    How long do you think we would have tolerated  t-shirts & bumper stickers with the word 'boys' replaced with the word 'girls' or 'Blacks' or 'Jews'? We would have banned them in a heartbeat and rightly so. However when its against men/boys its ok because of course men deserve it after millions of years of 'domestic slavery of women'...

  4. There is no such thing as an 'average' feminist.

    Feminists are almost always above average, and when they are not, they are below par.

    Cheers :-)

  5. Seeithing no.   From what I have seen here, absolutely seething.

  6. Nope. There are a lot of things in the world to be angry about though, and anger is often a lot better than apathy.

  7. If you want to see screaming, and seething with anger, just listen to the anti feminists on here.

  8. If someone were to abuse people in your demographic for a few thousand years and even now in present day societies, would you be happy?

  9. If anything, that's really an understatement!

  10. No, not from what I've seen.  And as for myself, I love men.  As friends and as lovers.

  11. Nah, it's a stereotype.

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