
Seeking Dual Citizenship ?

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I was born in England to American parents who were both in the military at the time. I have a British birth certificate and a few other documents. I'm now 24 and I was wondering, even though I have a American passport, is it possible to obtain British citizenship as well? I know the US is not a fan of dual citizenship but is it worth a shot for me?




  1. The UK uses jus sanguinis (right of blood) to determine citizenship. In other words you inherit it from your parents no matter where you are born. Sorry but being born in England does not qualify you for British citizenship (the UK would have to use jus soli (right of the soil) for that to happen).

  2. Being born in the UK does not grant automatic citizenship, however if you were resident from birth until at least the age of 10 then you may already qualify as a citizen of the UK

  3. The US doesn't really care if you have dual citizenship but if you are having problems in the country where you are also a citizen, they will not try to help you.

    That said, I don't think there is much chance for you to get British citizenship.  The UK changed their law in 1983 so that you don't automatically get citizenship for being born there if it was in 1983 or later.  It depends on your parents status.  Since your parents were in the US military and not permanent residents or citizens of the UK, you would not have citizenship.  Ask the British embassy if you want to make sure.

  4. I have dual citizenship American-Costa Rican, and when I did the process it was a pain in the A**, It was like three or four years from the start of the process to the end. But it is worth it.

  5. have both. My mother is British and my father is an American so I qualified on that point. But I was also a US military brat born in England.

    In researching all of this I found out a few things. Such as if you were born pre Jan. 1st 1983 in England even if both parents were American (I was) and even military it is automatic citizenship. Doing the math considering that you are 24 you probably missed that window.

    I am pretty sure that if you were born past that point you have to be of English descent.

    But before I figured all of this out I realized that british law is all convoluted and much is contradictory. I would just go call the embassy in Washington DC as you never know.

    You did not say what you do or have planned. You would certainly at the very least have easier access to the sort of visas that would let you work and live in the UK.

    Yes America is no fan of dual citizenship. But as long as you are not a criminal, join the UK military, run for office or are from a denied country like Iran they don't care. I literally know hundreds of people with both. The brits have zero issues with multiple passports as well.

    Sorry I was not able to be more helpfull.

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