
Seeking a decent life... willing to work hard just need the opportunity

by  |  earlier

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I just want a job that pays enough to own a reasonably sized home for two parents and eventually three children. To be able to pay for two newish cars every five to ten years as needed, and be able to pay basic bills (water, sewer, garbage, electric, gas water, cable, internet, phone, and some protection for my family insurance etc, and education. I'm not talking anything big here). These 25000 a year jobs aren't cutting it and my family and I can't grow without some other kind of opportunity. I'm willing to do any kind of work that will pay decent. I would even do hard labor... I just need to know how to get into something like this. Any suggestions would be GREAT!




  1. You may want to look into construction work. You could also look into merchandising work. Some companies pay very well. You may need to get a business degree though to really get into something good. I have worked hard for the past 28 years to get where I am at now. I spent 10 years of that time in the military. It taught me many things, and made me into the nut I am now. Just keep looking for an opportunity to get into a job with growth.  

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