My son turned 3 at the beginning of September. At the same time, we enrolled him in a wonderful Montessori preschool program. This is his first exposure to any type of preschool or daycare program. He loves going to school, and his teacher tells me he is very sweet & bright, follows instructions well, and is eager to participate. However, he has now had 3 incidents of biting another child. His teacher says he does this in conflict situations and/or when he feels frustrated (e.g., another child taking something from him). Interestingly, these incidents occur on the playground, not in the classroom. His teacher tells me that since he is so young, it is nothing to truly be concerned about, and that we all must be consistent in addressing the behavior and teaching him to use words to express anger or frustration. I guess I'm looking for reassurance that this is not abnormal behavior, and I'd also like any advice on ways to deal with the problem. Is he perhaps not yet ready for school?