My company went on a cattle call hiring spree looking for new store managers. I was promoted to assistant manager from supervisor 4 months ago. After the mass hiring I was fired along with 13 other managers. I was let go because of my personality. They have a new vision for what they want and our management style was not part of the new vision.
I have never been fired before so that was devastating. My personality is what it is and I fear that other companies may not think I am suitable either.
I managed by organizing the associates and keeping them motivated. Doing the daily books, ordering stock, dealing with vendors, etc. When an associate had a difficult customer, I would intervene for resolution. I am calm and methodical. The company decided they want all of their managers to be aggressive fireballs out on the front lines, dealing with the customers directly, and ambassadors for the stores. They are not concerned with timely bookkeeping and employee’s contentment now. I cannot hate on them for this.
Now I have to go to job interviews and explain why I was fired. Being embarrassed for one is shaking my confidence along with not knowing how to explain why this happened. Interviewers questions are precise at needing to know, “what challenges did you overcome, what would your employer say is your weak points, why were you not a good fit for your company?â€Â
One company I interviewed with offered me a job but offered me $600.00 per month salary less than what I was making. I believe this is because I was let go.
Does anyone have any suggestions or experience on how to handle an interview with this obstacle?