
Seeking knowledgeable answers about ramadan?

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is s*x permitted between a man and wife on the off hours of ramadan fasting (during the night)? must you shower before fajr and starting your fast for the next day

1) after engaging in an intimate act

2) after ending your period?




  1. NO s*x

    during Ramadan.

    No question

  2. yes, its permitted when you are not fasting. proof =*x%...

    1)you may delay it until just before dawn

    2)if ur certain that your period has ended ,you must make the niyyah before fajr prayer.however , your ghusl(bath) can be delayed until after fajr.thats ok. your fast would still be valid

  3. My dear friend salam for you. s*x between husband and wife is permitted on the off hours(at night) of ramadan after iftar and before fajr.

    s*x is not allowed during fasting including approaching adultery such as kissing with lust. After sexual intercourse,husband and wife should make a shower at least before fajr if they want to pray. and continue their fasting in the next day.Special for women during her monthly period,they  are not allowed to fast,to recite the Qur'an and to pray.After they finished it,they should  take a bath and  they should start for fasting and the following day.

    This is based on the Qur'an and hadits of Muhammad pbuh.

  4. lol....reem where did u get that....sorry but u r wrong!

    sister s*x is allowed in the times when u r not fasting....n reem it is even better in ramadan than in normal days....if u disagree u could ask any imam....

    n sister u need to be clean no matter what, in both the situations

  5. Yes, s*x is allowed between wife and husband after ifthar........

    You have to shower as usually as for Prayer Fajer......

    Intimate act means...... ??

    After ending your period you have take all lost fasts before next Ramadhan

  6. Answer

    I think it is better if both the husband and the wife do not indulge in any kind of sexual act while on a fast.

    Because God says in the Quran that Ramadan was ordained so that people may learn self-restraint.

    Quran 2:183 O you who believe, fasting is decreed for you as it was decreed for those before you so you may learn self-restraint/righteousness.

    And remember that sexual intercourse is allowed at night.

    Quran 2:187 It has been made lawful for you during the night of fasting to approach your women sexually.

    It can be inferred from this verse that approaching women sexually while fasting during the DAY is not permitted.

    God willing, you'll find all your answers in the Quran. Hadiths are NOT a part of Islam.

    I'm sorry for replying late.

    God bless

  7. yes it is permissible u should have take gusal before dawn. there is no restrictions of sexual acts during ramadan after if tar or before sehri with your wife.but many of women in indian sub-contnent use to avoid sexual intercourse during this holy period of ramadan

  8. yes it is permitted in times other than fasting times.  and if you don't shower before fajr, you can shower after to make your prayer. it doesn't affect the fast. (for both 1 & 2)

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    Whomsoever wakes up in the morning to fast and he is junub

    ‘Abdullaah bin Ahmad bin Hanbal said: I read to my father saying: ‘Ubaidah bin Humaid said: Mansoor narrated to me from Ibraaheem (An-Nakha’ee) concerning a man who becomes junub (needing to bath from sexual relations) during Ramadhaan and then sleeps until the morning. So Ibraheem said:

    ((He should complete that fast for that day and then fast another day in place of it))

    I heard my father [i.e. Imaam Ahmad] say:

    ((He does not fast another day in place of it))

    Note: Imaam Ahmad saw that for the one who rises in the morning whilst still junub during the month of Ramadhaan then this does not harm him in regards to his fast, even if his having slept was deliberate. This has been reported from him by Ibn Haani’ in his Masaa’il vol1 p. 132 issue number 653.

    Imaam Ahmad bin Hanbal  

    Masaa'il Al-Imaam Ahmad bin Hanbal vol2 page 614-615  

    Translated by Aboo Haatim Muhammad Farooq

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    Fasting For The Junub Person  


    Is it permissible for the person who is junub (needing to bath from sexual relations) from the night before to fast along with his wife or other than that?  


    The fast of the one that had relations with his wife during the night and is junub in the morning is correct. Likewise for the one that became junub due to a wet-dream during his sleep during the night – or day then his fast is also correct.

    Likewise there is no harm upon him if he delays the bathing until the appearance of dawn. Rather the fast is nullified if he has intercourse during the day from the appearance of dawn until the setting of the sun.

    Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts

    Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz

    Shaykh `Abdullaah bin Qu`ood

    Shaykh `Abdur-Razzaaq al-`Afeefee

    Fataawaa Al-Lajnah ad-daa'imah vol. 10 page 327 question 5 of fatwa number 4765  

    Translated by Aboo Haatim Muhammad Farooq

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