
Seeking to join a political party that is historically against women's rights, blocked the ERA for years....?

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...but now has the hypocrisy to suddenly be all for a mother (and I use that term loosely here) leaving a special-needs child in the care of hired help to pursue a career.

Which party should I join?




  1. I don't know... because I am confused by what you're saying.... huh?

  2. I would join the party of... if you are going to make those kind of accusations you should provide evidence of your claim. Especially since Bush has Condi Rice as one of the high government officials.

    Everyone keeps saying that republicans are racist and sexist... my question to you is, what have the democrats done for women and people of color?

    Can you please give me examples of how democrats have helped people of different races and women in lets say the last 25 years?

    After all, look at Democrat Robert Byrd. He was an active member in the KKK, and we all know how much they did to move civil rights forward.

    Nice question... full of holes though.

    To Skull Boy:

    I shall never fight in the armed forces with a ***** by my side... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.

    —Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944 [6][7]

    SInce we are comparing where people in parties stand

  3. The Democratic Socialist party or The Communist Party.

  4. You are correctly referring to the Republican party. Conservatives want to roll back the clock to when women had no rights. Just ask Ann Coulter.

    If you want to go forward, put it in D, if you want to move backwards, put it in R

  5. How about the stupid party, you're already qualified with this question.


  7. Not the libertarian party.  We don't welcome your polluted ideologies.  We advocate individual sovereignty, not subjection.

    Knock yourself out with either the democrat or republican party.

  8. My answer is that no party wants you or the narrow minded ideas you espouge.

    Nice sexist ideas you have there.  Mothers of special needs children can't pursue full time jobs?  It's that what you are saying here?  Well, she raised her other children with a full time job.  This is 2008, get used to it.  Hired help?  You really have NO CLUE what you are talking about, she has a husband and older children that help her with her baby.

  9. Democrat.

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