
Seems like shark attacks are more in shore than in open water right?

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I'm going scuba diving in Kona, Hawaii and I am a little afraid of sharks- I saw this tv program on Discovery about shark attacks and freak me out! anybody knows if they attack divers much?




  1. Most shark attacks are to Divers and surfers (because they look like seals). The reason more attacks are near the shore is because more people are by the shore than in deep water.

    Sharks aren't looking for people, we don't taste very good. They just get confused by the wetsuits. If you are going diving with professionals they will take you to safe places.

    Just in case, don't swim while bleeding.

  2. Wear a lot of protective clothing just incase...some sharks attack near shore so just be out more in the water!! If you see a shark just remain really still so it will think you are dead and won't attack!!

  3. alot of the reasons posted above are true. we do look like seals from below and in the water and their are alot of people near the shore which is were most of their food hangs out as well as the shallower water being easier to trap pray in as it offers less cover to hide in. alot of the time divers are attackes it is because they are often provoking sharks chumming the water or spear fishing and a shark can pick up on a wounded fish on the end of a pole a ways away making that diver with the wounded fish a target. But i wouldn't be worried about sharks if i were you your more likely to die on the way their in the car on the plane at your house. and just so you know dogs and pigs both kill more people a year than sharks... that's right pigs

  4. i think that's cuz most people are swimming near shore not out in the middle of the ocean

  5. They will only attack when they are curious or provoked - as I am sure you know -

    The will generally look for something that is splashing near the surface and making a lot of noise -

    If you are diving with a lot of people then you should be fine.

    But there is a slight risk of being attacked - make sure you have a knife to protect yourself a bit better or wear chain mail

  6. That's because there are more people in shore than in the open water.

  7. The majority of shark attacks happen in shallow water close to shore. But you're far more likely to be struck by lightening than to be attacked by a shark.

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