
Select ONE of the structures below and write a paragraph about its history and purpose.?

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Select ONE of the structures below and write a paragraph about its history and purpose.

Taj Mahal

Leaning Tower of Piza

The Great Sphinx

The Eiffel Tower

The Washington Monument

Arc de Triomphe (Arch de Triumph)

Big Ben

Sydney Opera House

If you were creating the above list for the class, what two additional structures would you add to make the number ten? Make sure to tell why you selected these two structures.




  1. Consider adding:

    The Golden Gate Bridge

    Mt. Rushmore

    Great Wall of China

    The Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) at Cape Kennedy

    The Interstate Freeway System

    Any I.C.B.M. silo from the Cold War era

  2. Now, c'mon!  This sounds too much like some HOMEWORK question you got in class.  OK to ask questions on something specific with answers, not OK to ask someone to do your homework for u.

  3. Eiffel Tower was built for the World's Fair held to commemorate the centennial of the French Revolution.  Completed in 1889.

    Taj Mahal was built in the 17th century as a ornate remembrance, mausoleum and tomb by Mughal Shah Jahan for his beloved deceased wife.

    I would include the Great Wall of China, since it is so expansive and tells the story of the invasions of China from central Asia.

    I would also include the Chunnel, since it is modern, and tells of the engineering prowess of 20th century man.

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