
Selective name of groups for animals and birds?

by  |  earlier

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a swarm of bees

a flock flight of bird

a drove of bullock

a safe of duck(on land)

a pending of duck( in water)




  1. I get it!

    A sloth of bears

    A warren of rabbits

    A murder of crows

    A pace of donkeys

    A gaggle or flock of geese

    A clowder of cats

    A herd of horses

    A troop or mob of kangaroos

    A skulk of foxes

    A colony or family of beavers

    A herd or trip of seals

    And lastly, one that isn't animal...yet.

    A clutch of eggs!

    All I've got.

    Have a good day and God bless!


  2. You will need to re-phrase this question.  It is not clear.  I'll check back in a few days to see if you added any details.

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