2 weeks ago two b@st@rds robbed me and my friend with the threat of a knife and took our mobile phones and some money... That event really shocked and at the same time,made me angry. Also, 4 days ago, while on holidays, a 12 y.o. friend of mine insulted -without knowing- a child at his age, causing him to bring a company of 12 people against 4 (me, the boy and 2 other friends). Luckily, my father was near and we "solved" the problem!
Now, the real question. Both events embarrassed me. I don't want to be a victim again, and who knows, the next time I might not get out in one piece! To avoid this, can you propose some nice techniques I can follow? I took some Tae-Kwon-Do classes but stopped at the green belt, so I have some nice experience, and also love martial arts. I have met CQC from Metal Gear Solid, and would like to learn something like that.
So, please recommend any websites refering to martial arts, CQC, self defense etc. I want to be able to protect myself and a potential gf!