
Self-Esteem problem?

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I would feel great about myself. Then, I would think about my personality and that I'm such a quiet person in school and some people think I'm akward and I would wish I was a person who's more confident and isn't afraid to speak their mind. Also, I am hard on myself for my appearence. I would want to have someone else's hair and face b/c sometimes I think I look like c**p & I'm not pretty. What can I do to stop feeling this way.




  1. Realize that everyones different. I'm sure there is someone out there who admires you just the way you are! Think of how boring the world would be if everyone had "perfect" hair.

  2. We all tend to have different feelings about ourselves. Even the mosr beautiful girls sometimes wish they had something else. The thing is that sometimes we tend not to see ourself's the way other people do. We place faults that of course will make it harder for us to identify ourselves and that makes evrything much harder because the more negative we are the harder it is for us to realize something different about ourselves. Think it this way we are all different yet we are the same. At one point people realize that they don't look as good as they wish because they think everything changes. But their is beauty in every stage of your life. You dont have to be confident over night but try by looking at your self everyday and saying one good compliment about yourself, this can be your first step if you really want to change. Or maybe try an go a week without saying anything negative about yourself. This way your confident will start to bilud because it does not happen in an instant. You dont have to speak your mind out but you can start talking to people little by little never know you may end up building some strong relationships, and soon you will notice your not the only one who feels like this. By the way everyone has their own style and is not about who likes it, is about you what ever you make of it is already unique. Jumping to guys. a guy is suppose to love you for who you are not looks if you show him your weak they may hurt your feelings easily because they're going to notice your not strong enough. So value your self for who you are. If they love you for who you are they wont use your body as a s*x toy. Your going through puberty as of yet so remember your body is still changing and with that your feelings about yourself but try an build confidence. If you want you can contact me an we can talk more about this :) :) :)

  3. You can't really ask people what you can do to have a higher self esteem because it's within you.

    You're the only person that can love themselves.

    I say you go shopping with a close friend buy some clothes buy a bunch of make-up and dye/cut your hair.

    That should make you feel better about yourself.

    Stop looking for the things you hate about yourself, instead make a list of things you like about yourself.

    Remember keep your head up high, and don't be afraid to say whats on your mind !

  4. Hey,

    i know exactly how you feel, it really isnt easy is it.  heres what you do: you make a list of all the good things about yourself eg could be your intelligence or your legs or your eyes etc.

    You have to learn with the way you look dude, go and blow a kiss into the mirror right now and say your gorgous lol, it sounds stupid but it actually works
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