
Self-Harm in the Military?

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I've been purposely cutting myself since the 8th grade but stopped last winter. I hadn't hurt myself throughout my parent's divorce and decided if I could withstand the messy divorce process without hurting myself I was cured. When I signed up for the national guard I considered myself done with self-harm and didn't mention it because of those reasons. (My scars aren't noticeable so no one asked.)

The stress and pressure from drill along with my home situation pushed me too far lately though and I'm unfortunately back to hurting myself and am trying to avoid it but failing. I recently found out I was bipolar too and the diagnosis doesn't make me very happy.

I plan to bring my bipolar disorder up and ask to be medically discharged once I get a psychiatrist's diagnosis (my physician diagnosed me) but I'm worried that I might be accused of hurting myself purposely to get out of the military; is this a legitimate fear or am I overreacting? On top of that drill is coming up the 16th and I don't know how well I'll be able to handle it now that I'm back to hurting myself. (Sort of like that Pringles slogan: "Once you pop you just can't stop." That's what cutting is like for me.) Should I just bring in my doctor's diagnosis and tell them about my cutting history or wait until a psychiatrist says I'm bipolar. Would coming forward right now even excuse me from the drill that is coming up in less than a week?

If you plan to respond on a lecture about growing up and being weak or trying to cop out of the military, please don't. I'm very serious about this situation and need a serious answer.




  1. Well having been in the Navy as a medic for 20 yrs now, I have seen cutters in the marines and navy. I wouldnt worry too much about that. The bipolar however is concerning and will get you a dicharge, providing you have Medical documentation to back it up, and if thats what you'r wanting. No, they wont think your coping out(nor do I) if your diagnosis is lagit. Also, my sister who is now 35 is a recovering cutter since age 30. my heart goes out to you.

  2. so you committed FRAUD to enlist.. Both Bi Polar and Self mutilation are Permanent Disqualification for enlistment with no waivers authorized.


    you will be discharged with ZERO benefits.  and rightly so.  

  3. I feel that being diagnoised bipolar is a serious medical diagnosis enough that you don't have to worry about bringing up cutting yourself. I am sure you will get a medical discharge for being medicated for bipolar disorder.

  4. History of self-harm or attempted suicide is a permanent disqualifer with no waivers authorized for all branches of the U.S. military.  So you will be discharged for the bipolar and not disclosing your self-harm.  Fraudulent enlistment!!!

  5. Being in the military means that they own you and your body. You can get into trouble for getting a tattoo or getting a piercing so yes you can get into trouble for cutting yourself. Once you have seen the psych and he states that you have a problem then they will discharge you with a general discharge or even an Honorable one.

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