
Self-Taught Horse Riding?

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I personally, dont want to spend 6,000$ a year on lessons. But once i got a horse, adn had a decrease in lessons, people seemed to think that I shouldnt be able to ride/jump when i wasn't in lessons. But i dont see whats so bad about being self-taught? What are you're opinions on beign self- taught?




  1. you need a trainer. Even if it is not every week a monthly lesson is benifitical for your safety and the horse's safety. As far as jumping out side of instruction.... It is absolutely fine as long as you have completely MASTERED that level. If it's just 18" jumps don't sweat it. And as far as not being allowed to ride with out an instructor is absolutely illogicial. I encourage my students to ride their horse as often as possible.... with or without me(as long as they display to my satsifaction that they can control their horse). How can I expect them to get better? I can't if they only ride 1 time a week.

    Riding on your own is fine

    If your are completly MASTERED the basics of jumping (according to an instructor) then jumping small jumps is fine. Big jumps 3 ft plus it is always wise to have a very knowlegdable person around to correct you and be there for safety. You never want to hurt your horse because you did something wrong, that could've been easily corrected and prevented.

    Lessons are good for learning and needed. But certainly not every week. Bi weekly or monthly can be fine but you will never get better without some else who has been educated in jumping to teach you it. I have seen many horrible deaths because people think they can 'do it themsleves'. I have never had a rider injured under my instruction serious enough to warrent a hospital visit.... But I have seen these accidents more than anyone can image and worse, many many deaths from this attitude.

    be safe, get an instructor, do NOT jump until deemed by an instructor that you have MASTERED the basics, do not jump more than 3 ft without someone present (not a child or inexperienced person either) and be safe. If it is risky for your level why risk killing youself and your horse? Have someone teach you it safely. your life and your horse's life is worth $50 a month now isn't it?

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