
Self conscious of my birthmark?!?

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I have a port wine stain on my hand so it's like reddish/purplish in color. I'm very self conscious of it and tomorrow I'll be working at a new job and I'm so scared! I'm scared that people will look at me strange and think it's gross etc. How would you react if you saw it for the first time? And I really want to get over this fear and not care what others think but it's so hard! Can someone people help me get over this fear somehow?? Thanks.




  1. I am covered with birth marks all over my body. The two main ones very visible and really BIG. One of them being on my right wrist and the onther one on my left arm. When people look at them I just joke and say "Oh this one is my on button and that's my off" People wont think its gross, I'm sure some wont even make anything of it but if they do just have fun with it.

  2. don't be scared. just 4get abt the ppl who think u r strange or gross. whatever. just go in and be like, im better than them because i don't judge people. u have to go in with your head up high, because u really r better than all of those people. is it what is on the outside that really matters? its very normal to be self conscious. at least its just on your hand. i know someone who has a HUGE birthmark on her face. so what it ppl make fun of her, she just ignores it and doesnt let it dent her self esteem. im sure u r a very nice person. dont let some stupid people get 2 u.  

  3. Relax, nobody is perfect. I have an aunt with a port wine mark on her face and no one cares about it, not even her. Don't worry about it.

  4. I think it sounds unique.

    Be proud of it.

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