I babysit this girl who is seven years old. She used to be this typical seven year old, with typical interests, and a typical attitude towards school and life. However, she went down to Phoenix where her grandparents live and where something was said that truly hurt her. While her family was watching Dancing With the Stars, her grandpa said, "Grace looks a little thick for her age." Her mother was there, but had been drinking and sort of blew it off. It came up again when she had returned home and was working on a scrapbook with her mom. She told her mom that she didn't really like her face or her body. Her mom said that you shouldn't say stuff like that and the little girl felt like she was being reprimanded. She also said something while she was walking our dog with my mom. She said she felt bad for her new born sister because she looked like her and said she was going to be "ugly" like herself. I gave her mom this book by Jamie Lee Curtis about self-esteem today, but if that doesn't