
Self esteem?

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I recently seen a therapist regarding my self esteem. I am wondering how many times I will have to go to her before I even begin to touch the surface of my self esteem problem. I feel as though even though I am 44 years old, that I should continue to try to look as good as I can. I do not necessarily think that just because a women is "older" that she is any less attractive than anyone else older or younger. I don't believe that looks are the most important quality a person has but I seem to consistently work on this and I never feel good enough or pretty enough. I do work on other qualities such as spiritual, being healthy, reading books, work, family etc. I don't always feel real good about myself. I am wondering if anyone else has been through what ever this is I am going through??? How do I "ease" the insufficient feelings that I have about myself? I realize that a lot of it comes from chidhood. Any advise? from anyone.... Please help




  1. just get over it and move on.the only one that can help u is you. thats what is wrong with women these self esteem. thats why they put other women down. most women are over weight whitch can be stopped by just watching what u eat.most women nag and ***** at their husbands and that makes them run,cheat and what ever else they do.its not hard to feel good about yourself,just do it.

    get off your high horse and stop.whats your husband straying on you? awww to bad huh.feeling a lil fat,dumpy.stop beating your STEP SON and maybe you will feel better about yourself.


  2. too many ppl think that they have some huge disease.  Just volunteer your time at some battered shelter where there's ppl with real problems.  Yours arent so bad, then.

  3. Low self esteem is something I've struggled with all my life.  I've never gone to theory (as it's not the done thing in this part of the world) but the thing that I've found helps is to ask yourself what do you want to do that you feel you can't do at the minute?

    Once you've thought about this do one small thing a week (you wouldn't normally do) and build up to this thing at your own pace.

    Alternatively you could just bite the bullet and go for it.  The secret is to try and not let the fear of rejection put you off.  Rejection is inevitable, we can only ever control how we deal with it.

    Good luck!

  4. Knowing and believing you have made the most of all of your qualities ( including your looks) will bolster your self esteem.

    People can't be perfect, so find comfort in knowing you are the best "you " you can be.

  5. one thing i have found that helps is being in the moment. that is, taking in all that is around you, getting out of your head (where all that self criticism lies) and into what is going on today. Also finding ways to take pride in other things, and then *be proud* of yourself for these things.

    good luck!
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