
Self harm.. how to get over my mistake?

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All last year I was a cutter, and about 7 months ago quit the habit. I'm proud of myself for doing this, but now I have many scars on my arms and some on my legs and I am tired of hiding them. I have been wearing long sleeves for two years, and not able to wear anything I want. Every cute top I see that I want to get, I cannot purchase because I can't wear short sleeves. I'm afraid if I wear short sleeves people will assume i'm looking for attention, or i'm crazy, and that I will be rejected. I have no idea what to do, but i'm tired of trying to hide them. I realize what I did was stupid and a mistake but will I have to hide these scars forever?




  1. I've been a self-mutilator since i was 12. I have scars from stabbing, burning, cutting, and piercing myself, but it doesn't stop me from wearing short sleeves! Don't be ashamed of your past. People will think whatever they want to think regardless of what clothes you're wearing. I also have stretch marks on my arm and acne scars on my back, which i'm sure people think are just as horrible as my SI (self-injury) scars lol. Embrace your body, scars and all! I'm so glad you've found the courage to stop hurting yourself. A lot of people aren't so lucky.

  2. Well, i'm glad you stopped, first of all.

    Anyways, they'll fade eventually until they're completely or almost completely gone.

    If they're still noticeable, there are some products you can use to help scars fade.

  3. Go to wallmart and get a scar only helps a little.

    but it is apart of who you use to be, dont hide your mistakes.  You learn from them and unfortuantly there going to show for a while.  But they will fade, mabey not completely but dont worry waht  people will think because if they are going to judge you for your past, then there not worth your future

  4. As long as you are embarassed of the scars you will want to hide them from everyone.  I have scars on my legs (from something else), they are big and ugly yet I still go to the beach and wear togs, why?  Cause Im not ashamed.

  5. I have never cut myself but, have allot of scar all over my hands and arms from work at different jobs. I don't hide them I don't care what other people think the are other things u can do for the scars to make less or disappear depending on how bad and many have u every tried make up or that scar stuff! there are like 20-30 thing u can do from your scars. vitamin E is a good one and omega 3 is other the list goes on and on.

  6. Good for you for stopping that habit.

    You may use the scares as a witness for other people who may do the same thing.  There may be some groups who counselor people with the same problem.

    I have seen some creams on TV that will hide some scares.  I don't know the names or which ones are the best but I'm sure you can ask around. The scares will lighten as time passes.

  7. I started cutting when i was 12, I'm 20 now. I still have a problem with it, at times. I hid all my scars until i was 17. You just kinda get over it i guess. Self mutilation is not necessarily a cry for attention, it doesn't mean your crazy. Its a disease, and just like many people who are sick shouldn't be scrutinized for being ill. Niehter should anyone with this problem.

    Basically, you have to come to terms with what you've done. You shouldn't feel ashamed of it, you just need to understand why. Its a stepping stone in your life, one that without, you may not grow to be the person you some day will be.

    Take small steps. I know that i even went to bed with a sweater...walked around the house in long sleeves all the time. Start where you are comfortable first...then go from there.

    I wish you the best of luck, i'm glad that you're better. Just don't ever let anyone make you feel crazy. They just don't understand...and that's their problem. Don't make it yours.

    Good luck.

    also, if the scars are still purple you can try over the counter things like merderma. Or you can get a perscription from your doctor. Rentin-a (usually used to ance) is great at clearing newer scars.

  8. I never thought of cutting. Vitiman E creame helps hide the scars. Just tell anyone who asks to mind thier own d**n business. You dont owe anyone any explanation. tell anyone to kiss you ***, that dont like it

  9. For getting rid of scars I'd like to recommend Mederma - you can buy it at Walmart, it works really well. If you have medical coverage microdermabrasion works very well to diminish the look of scars also - see a dermatologist for that.

  10. Some suggestions to help you, such as dermabrasion, and laser treatments, may be found in section 16, at

    If you practice one of the relaxation methods in sections 2, 11, 2c, or 2i, daily, and when needed, it will enable you to emotionally centre yourself, so you are considerably less concerned with the opinions of others, and it will also help a great deal with getting through the more difficult times in life.

    Then get a cute top, and go where no-one you know is likely to see you, and see how things go, getting used to it, before trying this locally.

  11. You will just have to deal with them.  They are a part of you, your history, and who you are.  Don't hide who you are.  If someone asks.  Let them in your world.  If they don't accept you, they are not worth your time.

  12. Of course, there is always some kind of expensive medical way of getting rid of scars. But a productive way to move forward and accept them is to empower yourself. Use your experiences to help others that have the same problem. Volunteer to work with at-risk youth or a support group or something. Sharing your story will make you even stronger and perhaps see your scars as a huge milestone where you were able to overcome a significant challenge in your life.  

  13. u don't have to do anything in life, but ppl. are curious creatures and will wonder/ask what happened to your arms.  that can bring back memories of what triggered the upset and blah blah blah, so if it's something u r over why not wear whatever.  some ppl. just aren't ready for that yet.  ppl. can sometimes be so hurtful w/ their remarks and feelings of entitlement to details of another persons life.  i hate my scars.  it was stupid and I wish ppl. would just leave me alone about it.

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