
Self-harm stories?!?!?!?

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does anyne have any stories about how they over come self-harm that they would be wiling to sheare.

im trying to stop im going pritty well and i just wont to see that there is away though and that im not stack with it forever so anyone willing to sheare?

all would be aprecated thanks




  1. Hey,

    I was Self-Harming for 4 years. I was very ashamed about it and never told anyone anything. A year ago I started getting very upset and irritable. My Father referred me to a counsellor. It took a couple of months of seeing her until I finally told her about it. It was one of the hardest things I had ever done but it was SO worth it! I'm still struggeling to overcome but a couple of things that helped me are:

    Started going to the gym

    Distracted myself with a book or music

    made the desicion to STOP

    And to just keep talking with people about how your going and what the underlying reasons are as to why your doing it.

    My self harm got to a point were I was admitted to hospital a couple of times. When I was their I realized that I am not alone. There are so many others going through similar things!

    You'll get through it! It takes time  

  2. Best option is to get a weight set and take your anger or self-loathing out by putting yourself through strenuous physical activity.  Keep it physical man.

  3. Check this page out:

    Good luck, and if you ever need to talk, feel free to email me!

  4. when you hirt yourself your hurting others who love you. i will talk to you tomarrow about mine. i have to knock out  

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