
Self-teach an instrument?

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I'm 16 and want to learn how to play an instrument, and have alot of time on my hands

what instruments are easier to play than others, and are easier to self-teach? (not anything TOO wierd..but i have an open mind)

music style doesn't matter to me

preferably not drums, too loud and expensive.

thank you very much for any input




  1. Guitars... there are so many tabs on internet, you can just sit and practice away until you get. With wind instruments you need to learn a technique and fretless instruments you'll probably need telling where the notes are.

  2. after i played clarinet i taught myself sax with the abracadabra book over 7 weeks when i was 11, so it is possible. the hardest aspect, i think, is learning how to read the notation. after that you can do anything!

    maybe start with recorder.... i started with that and it was awesome! Ocarina also rocks my world, cuz it's so wierd!

    Then there's the "normal" instruments like piano and guitar, but i'd say that a sheap wind instrument is a better idea


  3. defs piano

    keyboards are cheap

    or guitar

    i play the trombone and i started off pretty much teaching myself

  4. Guitar is a great self-taught instrument. But if you choose guitar, be prepared for major blisters. haha...

    Keyboard is another. I personally think keyboard is easier than guitar, and keyboards can be found for CHEAP.

  5. piano would be the easiest i think. the good thing with piano is that it helps set out the basics and makes other instruments easier to play. you get to see every note set out in front of you. it helps sometimes when i'm playing violin, to play the piece on the piano first.

    also guitar, i'm gonna teach myself guitar soon. :)

    there's plenty of tutorials on sites around the place, especially 'How-To' videos on YouTube and tabs as well.

  6. The link below has a great site with tips on learning to play the guitar... hopefully that will help.

    Guitar is a great instrument, and fun at parties and get-togethers, since so many folk songs and "group sing" songs were meant to be accompanied by guitar. It is also one of the most popular instruments ever invented, as is obvious by its use in American (both north- and south-), and European music.

  7. I would say guitar......but the first week will probably be very tough because it's a bit painful pressing down those strings. Unless you get nylon strings then it won't really hurt.

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