
Selfish Boyfriend What Do I Do???? 10 Easy Points!

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I have been with my boyfriend for just over a year now but we are still having common problems which are never solved.

Since i have lost my license we only see eachother 2 days a week and on saturday night or sunday. We try to make sunday our day and his friends know this.

He spends thursday and friday night, saturday and saturday night with the boys and occasionally we all get together his friends and there girlfriends and go out on saturday nights. Now im happy for this every second or third week but not every week? Do you think that this is fair?

When i go to talk to him about it, he pushes it aside as if it doesnt matter and it really does to me because its annoying when you havent seen him for 3 days and he decides that he wants to come over at 2 30 am in the morning on sunday from being out clubbbing!! Sometimes i feel as if he is being selfish because if i ask him to come home at 1am to see me he won't budge on it.. he never knows when enough is enough!!




  1. you and/or a relationship is not his priority.  He is still in party with friends mode.

    are you being unreasonable?  yes and no.  No, you're not unreasonable because you know what you want from a relationship.  but yes, you are being unreasonable because you don't have a relationship with the kind of man you want to be involved with.  You're involved with your boyfriend.

    you fight about the same things over and over again because you aren't a match--you're not compatible because you don't value or want the same things in a realtionship at this time.

    you're decision now is to either accept the man you are with as he is and enjoy what he is able to offer you or to go your own way and find someone who wants what you want.

  2. I would suggest sitting him down and talking to him.  You're not being unreasonable.  If he is constantly going out with friends and not wanting to see you then i think it's time to re-evaluate your relationship.  

  3. Well i think the reason why he acts like that is because he is afraid the samething will happen in his other long relationship..But also i think he should try to see you when he can as much as he can before you might find someone who appreciates you more...all guys like to party but i dont really trust clubs because the samething can happen in badly if he does cheat and it's "his boys" you know they wont tell you because thats his friend so a letter is kind of old school but its ok if you dont like they fussing but you both need to see it in eachothers eyes! when you get you license back try to go out when sometimes he does and doesnt need you so you can have your fun to another way is to get 1 of his boy's girlfriend to talk to him about it because girls like me are sometimes softer than boys!no boy can really break me i hope you 2 work this out THE BEST OF WISHES!

  4. go and talk to him what is inyour "mind".............

    .let kept him alone

    you  try to do what he is doin to him\

    tell him if you are not ready ihate you

    yup if you want more

    email ; fazilaliabdullah

    iwillhelp you  

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